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Grievance Redressal Mechanism

Nature of Grievance's in the Context of the Project:During the process of project implementation grievances from community may arise on the following issues.

  1. Procurement/imports of plants, materials etc.
  2. Quality of plant material from the Special Purpose Vehicles (Nurseries).
  3. Quality of civil works in the Clusters.
  1. Measurement of works completed in the clusters.
  2. Payment of bills.
  3. Accounts and Financial matters.
  1. Representation of women and other groups.
  2. Issues related to capacity building, planting technologies.
  3. Accessibility of Implementation authorities.

Authorities Responsible for Resolution of Grievance During the process of project implementation grievances from community may arise on the following issues.

  1. Grievance Redressal Officers and Appellate Authority have been designated at the PCU, SPV and PIU level.
  2. Any grievance related to the project can be submitted to the Grievance Redressal Officer.
  3. In case the complainant is not satisfied with the response from the Redressal officer, he can appeal before the Appellate Authority
Stage Unit Grievance Redressal Officer Time Period Appellate Authority Time Period
STAGE 1 BIU Concerned Horticulture Development Officer 30 Days Concerned Subject Matter Specialist 30 Days
STAGE 2 DIU Concerned Subject Matter Specialist 30 Days Deputy Director of Horticulture 30 Days
STAGE 3 PIU Nodal Officer 30 Days Project Director, HPHDP 30 Days
STAGE 4 PCU Team Leader, HPHDS/Joint Director/ Deputy Director(Hort.) 30 Days Project Director, HPHDP 30 Days
STAGE 1 PCDO Incharge, PCDO 30 Days Managing Director,  HPNDODMS 30 Days
STAGE 2 PCU Team Leader, HPHDS 30 Days Project Director, HPHDP 30 Days
STAGE 1 PIU General Manager, HPMC 30 Days Managing Director, HPMC 30 Days
STAGE 2 PCU Team Leader, HPHDS 30 Days Project Director, HPHDP 30 Days
STAGE 1 Regional APMC's Concerned Secretary of respective APMC 30 Days Managing Director, HPSAMB 30 Days
STAGE 2 PCU Team Leader, HPHDS 30 Days Project Director, HPHDP 30 Days
STAGE 1 PIU Nodal Officer, PIU-UHF 30 Days Vice Chancellor, UHF Nauni 30 Days
STAGE 2 PCU Team Leader, HPHDS 30 Days Project Director, HPHDP 30 Days
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Society Government of Himachal Pradesh