About ABPF
The Government of Himachal Pradesh (GoHP) is implementing a World Bank funded project, namely Himachal Pradesh Horticulture Development Project (HPHDP) with the objective “to support small farmers and agro-entrepreneurs in Himachal Pradesh to increase the productivity, quality and market access of selected Horticulture commodities”.
HPHDP has four components (i) Horticulture production and diversification, (ii) Value addition & Agro-enterprise development, (iii) Market development and (iv) Project management.
Agri-Business Promotion Facility (ABPF) is a sub component of Value addition & Agro-enterprise development which focuses on investment promotion in Horticulture sector in the state.
he Government of Himachal Pradesh, through Himachal Pradesh Horticulture Development Project (HPHDP) intends to promote private investment in horticulture sector of the state.
For this purpose, the project has established Agri-Business Promotion Facility (ABPF) with a dedicated team of professionals to support interested entrepreneurs and existing businesses in value addition & agro-enterprise development.
Agribusiness Promotion Facility (ABPF) is a sub component of value addition & agro-enterprise development. ABPF seeks to promote private investment in HP's Horticulture sector, Read More... Matching Grant Scheme Guidelines
"Mentorship is a relationship in which a more experienced or more knowledgeable person helps to guide a less experienced or less knowledgeable person" Read More...
Project Profiles
As part of pre-investment support, ABPF have scanned the market for potential opportunities for entrepreneurs in Horticulture sector in Himachal Pradesh. Based on this ABPF has undertaken in-depth Read More...
Investor outreach is one of the key components of ABPF. Under this component ABPF team is continuously reaching out to the relevant stakeholders which includes entrepreneurs, MSMEs, progressive farmers Read More...
Coming Soon.....
ABPF Team, Shimla Biri Singh, Agri-business Specialist E-mail Id: hdp-abs-hp@gov.in Solan - Abhay Thakur/ Liju (+91 9311018839/ 9440514499) Mandi - Manoj Kumar /CS Vaidya (+91 9811185010/7876213152) Kangra - Kumar Amit/Ashish Yadav (+91 7781004578/6283566648) Shimla - Yogesh Sharma ( +91 8894497175) Contact us at: ABPF Cell, Himachal Pradesh Horticultural Development Project HPHDP, Dyerton Bizbub, Tolland Bypass, Shimla (H.P.)- 171001 Phone no, 0177- 2674465, 2674937